Wednesday, May 14, 2014


Each woman, each girl that has been taken in this world against her will 
tears a hole.
This hole inside the soul of humanity is tearing apart.
The pain of this must be amended, must be corrected before we all become irrevocably damaged.
Right now we must all turn our hearts to this because to turn away again...will mean we decided to close our hearts to ourselves and to them.

Open your fierce heart.
Let the fire burn outwards towards these girls, these women.
Let the flames burn away their captors and purify the damage done.
Feel yourself surround them in love.
See them return whole and safe.

It does make a difference to send prayers across the world.
Every time you do it, you grow bigger, your heart becomes stronger.
Every time you surround those that suffer with love it changes things.
Don't let your heart close to suffering, let your heart burst it's fierce flames around them.
Fire purifies, fire renews........the heart rules the element of fire for a very good reason.
Let your heart burn in love for them.

I pledge my heart.
My fire.

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