Beneath my feet
As I enter into the forest
My forest, my refuge
I walk forward regardless
Unsure of what is causing
The tremors
And then it happens...
Underneath my feet
A sapling erupts
A new forest is growing
Quickly, moving upwards
It pierces my flesh
Limbs reach through me
I am immobilized
I am rooted
I don't even have a moment to scream
My body is encased
My arms reaching up inside
I am blind and cannot hear you
This moment lasts but a minute
A minute, a moment
Reality is broken for me
No longer having access to mine
I sink down into my core
Darkness and silence
Darkness and silence
There is a gentle sensation
Beneath me
Like small hairs, moving, seeking something...
Earth humming against the filaments, our roots
The roots cast out
Searching and feeling, singing
The whole tree is singing
I feel the vibrations
Humming, my heart starts to beat inside the sound
My blood flows outward
Creating the leaves of the tree
Red leaves unfurling like small hands curled ready to hold water
To hold sunlight
I have been transformed
Torn and wrecked
My reality taken from me
Reality alien and strange
I am the tree with the blood red leaves